Phorevr Privacy Policy
Phorevr Privacy Policy
What Phorevr collects: Nothing
What Phorevr doesn’t collect:
Personally identifiable OS or browser information
Your IP address
Any data about people who use Phorevr
Phorevr does not use any invasive tracking software. There are no analytic tools, advertising networks and third-party SDK-s. You are not being tracked.
What Phorevr collects: Nothing
What Phorevr doesn’t collect:
Personally identifiable OS or browser information
Your IP address
Any data about people who use Phorevr
Phorevr does not use any invasive tracking software. There are no analytic tools, advertising networks and third-party SDK-s. You are not being tracked.
Enjoy Pay-As-You-Go Internet. Shout it from the rooftops!
Enjoy Pay-As-You-Go Internet. Shout it from the rooftops!